Important Warning for Protection against Fraud Attempts
Dear Pueblo Bonito Owners:
We would like to take a moment to reiterate our support in case of questions related to the use of your membership. Since you are a very important part of the Pueblo Bonito family we want to make sure that you are well informed and remind you that our Customer Service Department is here to assist you.
In recent years scams have risen worldwide by some fraudulent companies that offer resale of contracts. These companies usually get in touch with customers using the name of a known and reputable company to carry out their scam; it is for this reason that we suggest you take extreme precautions if you are contacted, even if the company seems to be reliable.
Likewise, we strongly suggest that you take into consideration the following points in case you receive some type of communication that says that it comes from or has been sent on behalf of Pueblo Bonito:
1.- PUEBLO BONITO does not perform any type of resale operations of its timeshare units.
2.- PUEBLO BONITO does not use alternative marketing means.
3.- PUEBLO BONITO does not ask its members for any amount of money for concepts not stipulated in the timeshare contract.
4.- PUEBLO BONITO only communicates with its members through its Customer Service Department and Commercial Alliances using any of the following official email domains. Do not click on any link or answer any email that appears to come from Pueblo Bonito if the sender does not contain any of the following domains:
* @pueblobonitomail.com
* @pueblobonito.com
* @pueblobonito.com.mx
* @pueblobonitomarketing.com
* @pueblobonitomkt.com
* @ourvacationcenter.com
* @pueblobonitotravel.com
5.- PUEBLO BONITO only has the following sites:
* www.pueblobonito.com
* www.pbmembers.com
* www.quiviraloscabos.com
6.- PUEBLO BONITO acknowledges only commercial alliance with the following programs and companies:
* Pueblo Bonito Premier
* Pueblo Bonito Premier Plus
* Pueblo Bonito Black Diamond
* Pueblo Bonito Preferred with Lifestyle Collection
* Preferred Passport with Lifestyle Collection
In order to avoid being a victim of fraud, we recommend you to read carefully and consider the information referred to above before making any transaction.
Please remember that our Customer Service Department is here to help you with all your doubts and concerns regarding your Membership. For any questions or in the event that someone contacts you through any other means or domain different from those previously mentioned, please call Mexico and Canada at 01-624-142-9999, ext. 8603 or ext. 7118 and in the United States of America at 844-726-3623
Best regards,
The Pueblo Bonito Group